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      2024年Peter Bus research group recruits post-doctor(高校教師招聘簡章

      發布時間:2024-01-26 20:16:26 瀏覽:0


      P00051 未來人居研究院

      招聘類別 博士后

      發布時間 2024-01-23 08:00

      截止時間 長期招聘

      招聘人數 5名


      Communication with internal and external experts, manufacturers, and suppliers, if applicable.

      Reporting on a weekly or bi-weekly basis the progress of the platform development, analysis and optimisation.

      Communication with colleagues with different backgrounds and expertise (architecture, computational design, computer science, digital fabrication).

      Deliverability of the platform as a physical prototype, custom build small pre-prototypes, ability to program, simulate and deliver the production tasks, publishing activities (conference attendances, symposia, journal articles, patents development, exhibitions, if applicable).


      1. 具有博士學位,品學兼優,身體健康,年齡在35周歲以下,獲得博士學位的年限一般不超過3年;

      2. Experience with cable-driven parallel robotic systems (CDPRs) and their programming and prototyping;

      3. Prototyping experience of a robot based on modular industrial robotic components (magnifiers, motors, supplies in a multi-sensorial setup, winches, swiveling sheave assemblies);

      4. Experience in building customized end-effectors (EE) and mechanical programmable moveable parts related to EE;

      5. Expertise in programming in the field of mechatronic engineering/kinematic vs static algorithms development/control user interfaces/AI (C++, Python, ROS, C#, Unity ML-Agents or similar frameworks);

      6. Deep reinforcement learning applications in robotics research experience;

      7. PhD in robotics/mechanical engineering/ mechatronic engineering/manufacture and automation/computer science with a focus on AI and robotics;

      8. Experience with Rhino/Grasshopper programming interface and GH components development is an advantage;

      9. Active English, Chinese language is a big advantage.



      The Deep Co-intelligent Architecture research group at the Institute of Future Human Habitats led by Assist. Prof. Peter Bú? focuses on research in the field of advanced design computation and digital fabrication strategies for architectural scenarios engaging human and artificial intelligence. It develops design-to-production workflows where human intelligence and technology are linked together to generate spatially unique scenarios, production-efficient building processes, and effective architectural solutions for human habitats. The current ongoing research employs robotic technologies as a part of the production workflow for co-intelligent assembly methods driven by human intelligence and AI encompassing a kit of parts and discrete components for adaptive spatial scenarios or craftsmanship.

      Peter Bu? is an architect and educator in the field of digital architecture (teaching and research) at the Institute of Future Human Habitats at Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School. He is the founder and design principal of Peter Bu? | Architecture | Computational Design | Research, his design, and research-oriented architectural practice registered in Europe. Peter was previously a module convenor and lecturer of research and design studio-oriented modules Principles and Methods for Bio-digital Design and Morphogenetic Programming in the Bio-digital Architecture program at the KSAP, University of Kent, UK in 2018-2021. He also taught both undergraduate RIBA Part I and postgraduate RIBA Part II architectural design studios in Kent and worked as a Senior Postgraduate Teaching Assistant at the Bartlett, UCL in the B-Made platform (2021-22).

      Shortly before his Ph.D. defense at the CTU Prague (2016), he joined the team of the Simulation Platform module IX at the Future Cities Laboratory (Singapore ETH Centre) in Singapore for a short-term residency in 2015. Before joining KSAP in Kent in 2018, Peter worked as a post-doctoral researcher and lecturer at the Chair of Information Architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich (2016-2018). He concentrated on a variety of urban design-related characteristics of contemporary and future cities, mostly participatory initiatives, evidence-based design, the use of AI, and research-driven teaching. During his post-doctoral research, he received the Richard Rogers Fellowship from the Harvard Graduate School of Design (2018) to investigate theoretical aspects of Large-scale prototyping practices in larger urban contexts. He collaborated also as a visualization expert in the Swiss National Science Foundation-funded research project ESUM and as a researcher and computational designer in the Empower Shack research project in collaboration with the Urban-Think Tank platform at the ETH, Bauhaus University Weimar, Future Cities Laboratory Singapore, and Decoding Spaces GbR. Peter is currently focusing on the development of advanced design-to-production strategies and computational workflows, concentrating on digital fabrication and manufacturing, robotics, and advanced computational design-driven production at Tsinghua SIGS. In addition, he investigates the potentialities of computation, digital fabrication methods, and prototyping practices for their applications in the AECO sector and their capacities to respond to citizens' necessities. He received several winning prizes and honorable mentions for selected architectural projects in his past career as a practicing architect (2006-2022), he published more than 20 scientific publications as journal articles, book sections, or conference papers and participated in various software developments. He gave many invited lectures, guest talks, and computational design workshops in Europe and Asia.


      The research task will be focusing on the development of a custom build cable-driven robotic system (6 to 8-DOF larger-scale platform) and particular end-effectors for flexible construction methods and strategies integrating custom design of kit-of-parts and discrete components for adaptive assembly systems. The robot will be operating with smaller-scale components, possibly to be scaled up. The system will be integrating an industrial modular structure as an exoskeleton, and robotic components with the operational control unit to drive and program the moveable parts. The platform will be developed as an open framework allowing scalability for additional interaction with human user/designer/builder and cooperation with either industrial collaborative robots and/or independent customized construction robotics as moveable and flexible building blocks. The cable-driven system will be also linked with a mixed-reality user interface, allowing intelligent and safe control of building scenarios. The task includes designing, prototyping, and building a platform, its performance analyses, and optimization. Communication with internal and external experts and suppliers, reporting, and publication activites.


      1. 參照清華大學深圳國際研究生院及深圳市相關條例享受工資待遇;

      2. 博士后在站期間基本年薪為12萬元,并按照相關規定參加社會保險及住房公積金,開題和中期考核合格者,可獲得深圳市生活補貼18萬元/年(資助期限不超過2年),在深圳市無房的博士后可享受2800元/月的租房補貼;

      3. 學校為每位博士后提供在站期間兩年共計2萬元的科研學術活動資助;

      4. 已獲得水木學者的博士后,在站期間可額外獲得6萬元/年的院發補貼(以薪酬委員會決議為準);

      5. 在站期間可按照相關規定,申請中國博士后科學基金和國家、省、市其他科研項目;

      6. 博士后出站選擇留深從事科研工作,且與本市企事業單位簽訂3年以上勞動(聘用)合同的,可申請深圳市出站博士后留深科研資助(10萬元/年,共資助3年);

      7. 博士后如認定為深圳市高層次人才的,可按規定申請人才獎勵補貼。



      Recruitment material: CV, list of publications, and any portfolio/documentation documenting the previous experience working with robots (video, pictures, links).

      Please send the recruitment materials here:

      email: peter_bus@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn

      Wechat: Peter_Bus

      Phone number: +86 131 687 08 107 (only English)





      事業單位招聘信息標簽:Peter Bus research group recruits post-doctor(高校教師招聘 Peter Bus research group re