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      發布時間:2024-01-17 13:22:32 瀏覽:0

      Laboratory Introduction

      Food Safety and Nutritional Science Laboratory emphasizes on research topics including intestinal flora, functional food, antimicrobial resistance, nutrition education, food safety standard, big data in food safety, etc. We are carrying out research projects at national, provincial level. Dr. Shanquan Chen, the Lab Director, is currently a Lecturer of School of Humanities and Social Science.

      Post Specification

      Key Duties and Responsibilities:

      1. Project related research and application;

      2. Project coordination and other affairs;

      3. Undertaking other duties assigned by the supervisor;


      Qualifications and Requirements:   

      1. Degree in Nutrition/ Food Science or related disciplines;

      2. Working experience in animal experiment or biotechnology or R&D in food industry is preferred;

      3. Good English reading and writing skills;

      4. Strong responsibility, team spirit and communication skills.


      Salary and Benefits

      Salary will be comparable to international standards, commensurate with experience and accomplishments. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-Shenzhen, and employee benefits will be provided according to the relevant labor laws of Mainland China as well as CUHK-Shenzhen regulations.


      Application Procedure

      Please prepare full CV in English, and two referees’ contact information, and send to chenshanquan@cuhk.edu.cn.


      事業單位招聘信息標簽:香港中文大學(深圳)人文社科學院陳山泉項目招聘 香港中文大學(深圳)人文社科學院陳山泉項目博士后招聘 香港中文大學(深圳)人文社科學院陳山泉項目科研人員招聘