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2024年Postdoctoral position in theoretical quantum information science, Fudan University, Shanghai(高校
發布時間:2024-04-12 22:41:16 瀏覽:0One postdoctoral position in theoretical quantum
information science is available in the group of Prof. Huangjun Zhu in
Department of Physics,
Applicants should get PhD in physics, mathematics, or computer science (after Jan 2019 and before July 2024), with strong research track record and ability of independent research. Experiences in some of the following research topics are appreciated.
1.Quantum characterization, verification, and validation (QCVV)
2.Quantum measurements and quantum metrology
3.Quantum control
4.Quantum computing, quantum algorithm, and quantum error correction
5.Quantum machine learning
Interested candidates please send CV (with a research statement and a list of publications) and pdf files of three representative works to Prof. Zhu via email zhuhuangjun@fudan.edu.cn (The subject of the email indicates: apply for a certain position + my name + college talent network); three recommendation letters are expected to be sent by the recommenders directly.
Application deadline: 31 Mar 2024.
事業單位招聘信息標簽:Postdoctoral position in theoretical quantum information science Fudan Universi
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