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發布時間:2024-01-11 09:29:15 瀏覽:0Scientific Editor, Cell Discovery
Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Cell Discovery is an open access journal that publishes results of high significance and broad interest in all areas of molecular and cell biology. Now we are seeking 1-2 full-time, in-house scientific editors to join its editorial team. The Scientific Editor will be trained to play roles in providing immediate and satisfactory supports to the Editor-in-Chief in all aspects of manuscript processing, which include but are not limited to assessing submitted papers, overseeing the reviewing process, and commissioning review articles. The key qualities the journal looks for are breadth of scientific interest and the ability to think critically about a wide range of scientific issues.
The qualified candidate is expected to be or has:
1. Highly self motivated and creative (highly interested in the work of scientific editing);
2. Doctor’s degree in cell biology and molecular cell biology or related fields;
3. Good command of English and basic computer skills. Knowledge of Adobe software (Photoshop, Acrobat, etc) is beneficial;
4. Strong sense of responsibility, collaboration and independence;
5. Patience, carefulness and consideration;
6. Strong interpersonal and communication skills;
7. Open-minded and competent to learn new ideas and techniques.
Applicants interested in this position should send his/her application materials, including Curriculum Vitae and personal statement by email to (subject: CD editor application) leic@sibcb.ac.cn
Job Posting
Dec 16, 2022
Closing Date
事業單位招聘信息標簽:中國科學院分子細胞科學卓越創新中心招聘 中國科學院分子細胞科學卓越創新中心博士后招聘 中國科學院分子細胞科學卓越創新中心科研人員招聘 中國科學院分子細胞科學卓越
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