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      發布時間:2024-01-09 20:09:48 瀏覽:0

      王鵬飛:復旦大學生命科學學院青年研究員,主要從事新發傳染病防治方面的研究,包括針對病毒的抗體和藥物篩選、疫苗設計和評估等。至今發表論文60多篇;累計引用9000余次;其中以(共同)第一或通訊作者身份在Nature (3)Nat. Rev. Immun.、Cell Host & Microbe (3)、Cell Discovery (3)、Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.等期刊發表論文20多篇(https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=fWjlGn8AAAAJ&hl=en。獲國家人才項目、基金委面上項目以及科技部重點研發項目等資助。入選科睿唯安(Clarivate)2023年度“全球高被引科學家”和愛思維爾(Elsevier)“2023全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單”;被聘為復旦大學首屆“小米青年學者”;曾獲“上??萍记嗄暌I35人計劃”提名獎、阿里巴巴達摩院“青橙優秀入圍獎”等。
















      Positions available for postdoctoral fellows – Pengfei Wang group at Fudan University

      We are seeking a fulltime postdoctoral fellow for a two-year position to start as soon as possible.The Wang group is affiliated with the School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, China. Our group focuses on research related to the prevention and treatment of emerging infectious diseases, including the screening of antibodies and drugs against viruses, vaccine design and evaluation. Dr. Wang has published over 60 papers, which have been cited more than 9,000 times(https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=fWjlGn8AAAAJ&hl=en. Of these, over 20 were published in leading journals such as Nature (3), Nat. Rev. Immun., Cell Host & Microbe (3), Cell Discovery (3), and Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., where he served as the (co-)first author or corresponding author. He has been listed in Clarivate’s “Highly Cited Researcher 2023” and Elsevier/Stanford’s “World's Top 2% Scientists 2023”. He has been honored with awards such as the nomination for the 2022 Shanghai Science & Technology 35 under 35 and the outstanding candidate award of 2022 Alibaba DAMO Academy Young Fellow.

      The lab plans to recruit 1-2 postdocs.

      Recruitment requirements for postdocs:

      1. Hold or be pursuing a Ph.D. degree in virology, immunology, vaccinology, structure biology, or related fields.

      2. Have published articles in SCI journals as the first author.

      3. Demonstrate a strong work ethic, responsibility, and teamwork skills.

      Position Benefits:

      In compliance with Fudan University's personnel policies, the annual salary is a minimum of 200,000 RMB. Exceptional candidates are eligible to apply for the Super Postdoctoral program in Fudan University, Shanghai or the National Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Support Program, and may be selected for an annual salary ranging from 280,000 to 500,000 RMB. Additional benefits adhere to Fudan University's standards, such as postdoctoral housing, household registration, and enrollment for children, among others.

      Support is available for postdoctoral researchers to apply for scientific funds from Fudan University and projects like the National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scholars. Funding is also available for academic exchange activities that align with research needs.

      Application Method:

      Please send the following application materials to the email address pengfei_wang@fudan.edu.cn, with the subject of the email indicating Application for Postdoctoral Position in the Research Group of Pengfei Wang. After the initial review, qualified applicants will be notified for an interview, and the selection will be made based on merit.

      1. Personal resume;

      2. Scanned copies of academic certificates;

      3. Two letters of recommendation from experts, one of which should be from the applicant's doctoral supervisor.

      The application information will remain valid until the position is filled.





      事業單位招聘信息標簽:復旦大學生命科學學院王鵬飛課題組高校教師招聘 復旦大學生命科學學院王鵬飛課題組教師招聘 復旦大學生命科學學院王鵬飛課題組科研人員招聘 復旦大學生命科學學院王鵬飛