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      ABOUT US

      Sichuan University - Pittsburgh Institute (SCUPI) is an academic entity jointly established by Sichuan University and the University of Pittsburgh. Approved by China’s Ministry of Education in 2014, SCUPI is one of the large-scale partnerships between a top US university and a top-rate Chinese university. SCUPI now enrolls around 1025 undergraduate students in five majors, including Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. The technical curricula of SCUPI comply fully with those taught at the Swanson School of Engineering (SSOE) and the School of Computing and Information (SCI) of the University of Pittsburgh. SCUPI will continue to grow in size and discipline.

      Along with this strategic plan, a new SCUPI building is near completion. This new space and facilities will offer vast opportunities for innovations in education, research, and career development. Faculty and students benefit from the resources, support, and diverse environment fostered by Sichuan University, the University of Pittsburgh, and other partnering institutions around the globe.


      Teaching Stream Faculty Position - Computer Science

      Job Type: Full-time


      Sichuan University-Pittsburgh Institute (SCUPI), located in Chengdu, China, invites applications for full-time, non-tenure track teaching faculty at the rank of Assistant/Associate/Full Teaching Professor in Computer Science. The non-tenure-line faculty position is primarily for teaching. Engagement in scholarly research is not required, though encouraged. The position is to start from the 2024 Spring Semester or later. Terms of employment, including salary, relocation, and start-up packages are competitive and on par with similar offers by universities in North America.


      Candidates must have either:

      A Ph.D. in Computer Science or a related field. Candidates who focus on areas like quantum computing and cloud computing are preferred. or

      A master's degree and 4 years of relevant professional experience.

      Candidates with superb communication skills or teaching/training experience are strongly invited to apply.

      Effective oral and written communication in English is required, as English is the official language of the Institute.

      Teaching Stream Faculty Position - Electrical and Computer Engineering

      Job Type: Full-time


      Sichuan University-Pittsburgh Institute (SCUPI), located in Chengdu, China, invites applications for full-time, non-tenure track teaching faculty at the rank of Assistant/Associate/Full Teaching Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering. The non-tenure-line faculty position is primarily for teaching. Engagement in scholarly research is not required, though encouraged. The position is to start from the 2024 Spring Semester or later. Terms of employment, including salary, relocation, and start-up packages are competitive and on par with similar offers by universities in North America.


      Candidates must have either:

      A Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering or a related field or

      A master's degree and 4 years of relevant professional experience.

      Candidates with superb communication skills or teaching/training experience are strongly invited to apply.

      Effective oral and written communication in English is required, as English is the official language of the Institute.

      Tenure or Non-tenure-track Faculty Positions inMathematics

      Job Type: Full-Time


      Sichuan University-Pittsburgh Institute (SCUPI), located in Chengdu, China, invites applications to fill a couple of faculty positions (either tenure or non-tenure track) in Mathematics at Assistant or Associate Professor level. The positions are to start from the 2024 Spring Semesteror later. Terms of employment, including salary, relocation, and start-up packages are competitive and on par with similar offers by universities in North America.


      Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree by the time of hire and must be able to teach basic math courses such as calculus (both in single variable and multivariable), linear algebra, and differential equations. Expertise in one or more of the following areas of mathematics: applied mathematics, probability and mathematical statistics, data sciences, data analytics, and data mining is preferable.

      Effective oral and written communication in English is required, as English is the official language of the Institute.

      3. Successful applicants should have the ability of building externally funded research programs, as well as contributions to the teaching missions of the Institute.

      Teaching Stream Faculty Position in General Physics

      Job Type:Full-time


      Sichuan University-Pittsburgh Institute (SCUPI), located in Chengdu, China, invites applications for full-time, non-tenure track teaching faculty at the rank of Assistant/Associate/Full Teaching Professor in General Physics. The non-tenure-line faculty position is primarily for teaching. Engagement in scholarly research is not required, though encouraged. The position is to start from the 2024 Spring Semester or later. Terms of employment, including salary, relocation, and start-up packages are competitive and on par with similar offers by universities in North America.


      1. Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree by the time of hire and mainly focus on physics and circuits.

      2. Effective oral and written communication in English is required, as English is the official language of the Institute.

      Tenure-track or Non-tenure-track Faculty Positions in Chemistry

      Job Type: Full-time


      Sichuan University-Pittsburgh Institute (SCUPI), located in Chengdu, China, invites applications to fill a faculty position (either tenure-track or non-tenure-track) in Chemistry or Materials Science and Engineering with the ability to teach general chemistry at the Assistant or Associate Professor level. The positions are to start in the 2024 Spring Semester or later.Terms of employment, including salary, relocation, and start-up packages are competitive and on par with similar offers by universities in North America.


      Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree by the time of hire. The ability to teach general chemistry at the freshmen level is given a higher priority.

      Effective oral and written communication in English is required, as English is the official language of the Institute.

      Successful applicants should have the ability to build an externally funded research program, as well as contribute to the teaching mission of the Institute.

      TO APPLY

      Qualified applicants should submit their applications to facultysearch@scupi.cn.

      The application should include the following materials in PDF form:

      Please note that incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

      a. Curriculum Vitae

      b. Statement of Teaching includes subject areas and courses that the candidate is qualified to teach

      c. Name and Contact Information of at least three references

      We encourage candidates to send applications as soon as possible. The review process will continue until the positions are filled.



      事業單位招聘信息標簽:四川大學-匹茲堡學院高校教師招聘 四川大學-匹茲堡學院教師招聘 四川大學-匹茲堡學院科研人員招聘 四川大學-匹茲堡學院人才招聘